Do mouthguards work for sleep apnoea?

The gamut of health concerns brought about by snoring have the potential to throw life into disarray. If you’re dealing with fatigue, poor concentration, memory deterioration, decreased sexual drive and mental health issues that can arise from obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), you’re probably ready to find a fix – fast. Mouthguards are a legitimate and effective solution for sleep apnoea and can assist in resolving your snoring concerns, so let’s take a look at what they are, how they work and if they’ll work for you. 

Can a mouthguard fix sleep apnoea?

YES! A mouthguard has the potential to fix your sleep apnoea. Products like the SomnoDent mouthguard range are designed specifically for sleep apnoea and can work wonders in relieving your issues. It’s important to note there are a few different types of mouthguards, so the type you need will depend on the severity of your sleep apnoea.  

A mouthguard can help these common sleep apnoea concerns:

  • Snoring or gasping while asleep
  • Insomnia 
  • Tiredness on waking
  • Difficulty breathing 
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Sore or dry throat on waking
  • Headaches 
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Poor concentration.


What are sleep apnoea mouthguards?

Sleep apnoea mouthguards are oral devices you simply insert into the mouth during your nightly routine. They’re a safe, painless and effective solution for people who suffer from mild to moderate OSA or snoring, with a very high success rate in decreasing noise during sleep. 

How do sleep apnoea mouthguards work?

Sleep apnoea mouthguards help by keeping your airway open, which makes breathing easier and prevents snoring while you’re off in dreamland. 

They do this by:

  • Bringing the lower jaw forward
  • Lifting up the soft palate 
  • Holding the tongue forward. 
SomnoMed’s sleep apnoea mouthguards could be the solution to your sleepless nights.


What are the contraindications of sleep apnoea mouthguards?

There are some instances when sleep apnoea mouthguards are not suitable. These include pre-existing disorders of the jaw (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or TMJ), dental concerns like severe gum disease or dental decay, or if you already have full upper and lower dentures. 

Are there side effects from using a sleep apnoea mouthguard?

The possible side effects from a mouthguard are relatively minor and include slight discomfort of the teeth, jaw or jaw joint, dry mouth, increased salivation and/or irritation of the mouth soft tissues. Longer term side effects can include changes to your bite which poses no risks or discomfort to the wearer. It is just a personal choice as to whether you are happy to accept these changes or not. 

How much does sleep apnoea treatment cost?

Because of the precision of these devices, expect to pay roughly $1800 for your sleep apnoea mouthguard. This does not include any examination or X-rays you may need to receive across this period. Good news is your private health fund should assist in paying for your treatment. To find out if you are eligible to receive private health rebates for snoring or sleep apnoea and how much it may cover, contact your health fund to receive a quote before you come in for your consultation. 
Book a consultation with one of our dentists if you think you may have risk factors or be suffering from OSA and we can help to give you the correct advice and offer treatment where appropriate to aid this potentially serious but treatable medical condition.

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